Eating Disorder Therapist
in Edmond, OK
Almost 10% of people in the United States will have an eating disorder in their lifetime. Eating disorders that include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and avoidant or restrictive food intake disorder can have serious negative impacts on a person's physical and mental health.
Eating disorders can start and continue for a wide variety of reasons, including self-esteem issues, genetics, trauma, and life experiences, and they can affect people of all ages—from teens to adults. When you have an eating disorder, it's important to work with a therapist who understands your eating disorder so that they can provide a treatment plan that's customized to you.
At Journey Counseling Center, our eating disorder therapist Kensley Merry specializes in working with clients who have disordered eating and body image issues. She understands how a person's relationship with food can affect how they feel about themselves and negatively impact their day-to-day life. She helps her clients identify the cause of their eating disorder, develop skills to overcome it, and improve their self-esteem and feelings of self-worth to move forward.
How therapy helps people with eating disorders
Eating disorders can be complex, but working with a trained eating disorder therapist can be one of the best forms of treatment to live a healthier, more fulfilling life.
Understand the reasons behind your eating disorder, whether they're physical or emotional.
Build self-esteem and compassion for yourself and your body
Repair habits for healthy eating and exercise
Identify negative behaviors affecting your relationship with eating and food
Challenge negative thought patterns about your body
Find support in your recovery and ways to rebuild relationships with friends and family

Connect with an eating disorder therapist in Edmond
Whether you have an eating disorder, or you're a parent or family member looking for a therapist for a loved one, Kensley works with clients of all ages in the Edmond and Oklahoma City area. Contact her today to start your journey to healing.